Thursday, November 12, 2009

Be-YOU-tiful Workshop Series

Is an image evolution your New Year's resolution? Or is it time for an image REVOLUTION? Confused about your style and clueless about how to put together a great look? Want to loose 15 pounds without suffering through another diet? Or just want to be more comfortable and authentic?

You are not your wardrobe! But like it or not, people judge you based on your appearance. With the pace of life, putting others first, and changing bodies, it's easy to get into ruts and habits that camouflage your beauty. Elements that are often missing are style, foundation, authenticity, flattery, accessories, and makeup that really works.

The Be-YOU-tiful Series is designed to assist women entrepreneurs and leaders in adding these pieces to what is already working.

Attend all six sessions or just choose a few that are interesting to you.

Discover & Exress Your Style
Get clear about your authentic style, discover what feels right and create a look that works for your life. Good-bye buyers remorse!

Foundations Of A Flawless Look
Wearing the right bra and foundation garments is the single most powerful thing you can do to repair your wardrobe and body image. Who knew changing your underwear could make all the difference? Personal advice, fitting, and shopping all rolled into one!

Clothes That Speak Your Mind
Like it or not, you are judged based on your appearance. Your image can misrepresent you or tell people who you really are. Learn to dress in a way that reflects your talents and character traits, is fun and inspiring for you, works for your lifestyle, and is appropriate for your passion and profession. No more mixed signals!

Dress Yourself Skinny
Maybe it’s not you…just your clothes? Discover the mistakes that cause you to look bigger than you really are, transform your body, get expert fitting and advice just for you, and drop 15 pounds just by changing your clothes!

Accessory Rescue
Accessories are the finishing touch and can make or break your look. Get expert advice about where to put them, how to coordinate them, which ones work for you, and solutions for all your accessory dilemmas. Plus guided shopping in the best kept secret of Houston's Harwin St.

Makeup For Real Women
The right makeup can make people notice the real you. Learn the secrets for picking the right colors, application tips to look younger and more vibrant, and clean-out or restock your makeup bag so it works for YOU!

Contact us for more information at